Customer Reviews for Rodney Carrington
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Rodney is my favorite stand up live
I have seen Rodney six or seven times. The first was on Mobile, AL, in 1998, the last time I was in Dothan, AL, two weekends ago. Every time I saw him live, I laughed my ass off, and so did everyone that I saw. I've met him and talked to him several times. He is real down to earth and a humble man who, every time I have spoken with him, which twice was in the parking lot after the show, he never made me feel that I was bothering him. He always took his time and never acted like he was in a hurry. I can say for my experiences that it was a great time and money well spent every single time. Keep being you Rod Sickle.
My experience
Most people know he’s crude…and somewhat X rated. I saw him in montana and he carries a certain crowd The place was packed and he was a bit much at first but I really enjoyed.. I’ve always liked him tho
Too crude even for Rodney
Either I’ve matured too much or Rodney is ready to hang up his cowboy hat. Saw the 2/17 show at Ameristar in Kansas City, and if it weren’t for the bucks I found on the floor from drunk-as-skunks attendees, I would’ve wanted my money back. Some bits were extremely funny ~ old people hooking up; going to Cracker Barrel (like Grandma’s house + benefit of Ronnie Milsap CD’s); no teeth vs. teeth people ~ but him using the microphone to simulate an impending BJ was over the top, and not in a good way. I think audience response agreed with me. Not sure why Carrington didn’t make it big as a country star, ‘cause he has pipes and is vocally very impressive and entertaining. Seats at Ameristar Pavilion were too tight for comfort (maybe I’m fatter?) and the drunk woman next to me would not shut up. Alcohol flowing everywhere, which is to be expected from Rodney’s demographic, but good grief, people, public drunkeness is gross.
Not himself!
This was a half filled arena and Rodney gave a half-filled performance! No “Sing you bastardsâ€; no “Dear Penisâ€; and, no Chicken Song!!! Rodney failed his fans tonight. I know he is better than this and I am sorry but now I understand why his tickets were being sold cheap on Groupon! I promised my best friend belly laughs and she left with belly aches!
Unhappy but not why you think
Felt sorry for the comedians Horseshoe Casino's Bluesville - Robinsonville The venue was fair but needed a good cleaning. It was poorly supervised and crowd control was abysmal. I was shocked at the lack of respect the performers were given and genuinely embarrassed for the experience the comedians suffered through. The actual dumbing down of the material was evident to those that appreciated Rodney Carrington and his style of comedy. I was ready to leave and so was he. From dropping some of his onstage material and having to stop the show it was a waste of my money and time. Can I get my money back or refunded? I doubt it. Will anyone care? I doubt it. Will Sams town ever get any of my business again, nope. Is there a chance Mr. Carrington would come to this area again, doubtful to the point of laughable. I just cannot express my disappointment of the actions of a few people that were so inconsiderate of others. We will surely be the butt of future material due to a few obviously damaged and unfortunately breathing drunken idiots. In the name of profits, Ticketmaster, drop Samstown Bluesville from your venues!
Let me in...Missoula MT.